  • Recruitment position:R & D Engineer
    Recruitment number:2人
    Work location:Wuxi
    Salary and benefits:Interview
    Recruitment requirements:
    Priority given to majors in mechatronics or mechanical manufacturing, proficient in hydraulic transmission knowledge, bachelor's degree or above, with more than 2 years of relevant experience, proficient in using drawing software such as SODIWROK. Once hired, the benefits will be favorable
    Contact:Address: No. 221 Xitai Road, Meicun Industrial Concentration Zone, New District, Wuxi City
    Sales hotline:0510-88551777 88551776 88551322 88551221
  • Recruitment position:Sales engineer
    Recruitment number:2人
    Work location:Wuxi
    Salary and benefits:Interview
    Recruitment requirements:
    Male with a bachelor's degree or above, sales experience, basic English skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, mechanical engineering preferred, able to work hard and persevere
    Contact:Address: No. 221 Xitai Road, Meicun Industrial Concentration Zone, New District, Wuxi City
    Sales hotline:0510-88551777 88551776 88551322 88551221
  • Recruitment position:Sales Assistant
    Recruitment number:1人
    Work location:Wuxi
    Salary and benefits:Interview
    Recruitment requirements:
    Male, majoring in English, with a bachelor's degree, priority given to minor languages such as Spanish.
    Contact:Address: No. 221 Xitai Road, Meicun Industrial Concentration Zone, New District, Wuxi City
    Sales hotline:0510-88551777 88551776 88551322 88551221
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